Electronic Information

Definition: Electronic information consists of processed data that is stored and retrieved when needed for decision making. Words and numbers are represented by “on” and “off” signals (or 1s and 0s) according to a standard known as ASCII code. Numbers and letters (both uppercase and lower case) plus special characters have values that are listed ASCII tables.

All digital signals travel in "packets" over the telecommunication’s infrastructure (or the Internet) and are converted into human-readable format upon arriving at the destination. Processed data in transit or stored is electronic storage. It can exist in a file stored on various devices or part of a program or application. Such information can be "at rest" or "moving". Organizations are responsible for securing it.

Its Relevance: All data that is sent over a network or processed by a computer is broken down into 1s and 0s. Protocols or rules determine whether the data is encrypted and what method is used. A business or organization must address how data and information is to be transmitted and stored. The organization should also have a list of all information assets, otherwise, is unable to protect what it fails to know possesses.

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